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‎Worship SSUMC Logo

W O R S H I P  +  M I N I S T R Y

Here at St. Stephen's, we offer a variety of teams and ministries for people to be involved with in the life of the church. From music and technology to ushers and greeters, there are plenty of ways to get involved on a Sunday morning or throughout the week that influence the worship and ministry of SSUMC.

P R A I S E   T E A M

Our praise team serves at the 8:00 AM and 9:30 AM Contemporary Services. The team is comprised of vocalists, keys, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass guitar, and drums. For more info about joining the praise team, contact Greg Gallagher.


T E C H   T E A M 

We offer a variety of opportunities to get involved with technology for our worship services at St. Stephen's. From running slides, running the soundboard, operating the live-stream cameras, or helping to create media, we have room for you. For more info about joining the tech team, contact Greg Gallagher.

S A N C T U A R Y   S O U N D S

Directed by Jacki Huntsman, Sanctuary Sounds is our very own handbell choir! Comprised of ringers of all ages and experience levels, this group offers their skills in worship once a month and on special events and holidays. For more information about participating in Sanctuary Sounds, contact Greg Gallagher.

M U S I C   M I N I S T R Y

The music ministry at St. Stephen's is varied with many unique opportunities to serve through music. If you are interested in utilizing your talents for special music in our traditional service or are interested in joining the choir, please contact Greg Gallagher

U S H E R S   +   G R E E T E R S

Our ushers and greeters are incredibly important to fellowship and the flow of service on Sunday mornings. We have opportunities to help not only as ushers and greeters but also with hospitality, attendance, registrations, the Welcome Center, and as communion servers. For more information about these volunteer opportunities, contact Martha Benn.

Tech Team
Sanctuary Sounds
Ushers + Greeters

  W O R S H I P   +   M I N I S T R Y  

Dr. Gregory Gallagher

D r .   G r e g o r y   G a l l a g h e r

D I R E C T O R   O F   W O R S H I P   +   M U S I C

"Worship is vital to the life of the church. While this word is often used as a synonom for a style of music or a part of service, it is a lifestyle. As Director of Worship + Music, I strive to lead people to places of reverance and vulnerablitiy while providing opportunites to experience the presence of God in unique ways ."

S T.  S T E P H E NS

U N I T E D  M E T H O D I S T  C H U R C H


4601 Juan Tabo Blvd. NE

Albuquerque, NM 87111



Church Office Hours:

Sunday Services: 8:00, 9:30, & 11:00 a.m.

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Friday: CLOSED

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©2023 by St. Stephen's United Methodist Church

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