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‎Groups SSUMC Logo

G R O U P S   +   M I S S I O N S

Here at St. Stephen's, we offer a variety of teams and ministries for people to be involved with in the life of the church. From music and technology to ushers and greeters, there are plenty of ways to get involved on a Sunday morning, or throughout the week, that influence the worship and ministry of SSUMC.

S M A L L   G R O U P S

St. Stephen's offers a variety of small groups for people to join and fellowship together. These include men's and women's groups, couples' groups, golf groups, exercise groups, sewing groups, lunch groups, and a whole lot more! For a complete list of our groups click here and for more information on how to join a small group, contact Martha Benn.​




Global Missions are an important part of our church's heritage and desire to obey the Great Commission. We sponsor global missions through the work of numerous missionaries and other organizations. For more information on these projects and sponsorships, contact Martha Benn for more information.






At St. Stephen's we love and appreciate the numerous volunteers who give of their time and service to help us in our ministries. We have a number of opportunities for people to serve including as office volunteers, care teams, kitchen teams, and more! If you are interested in volunteering in a specific area, click here for a list, or contact Martha Benn or Kristy Townsend in the church office.

L O C A L   O U T R E A C H

St. Stephen's is dedicated to investing in our local community, in addition to global missions, as we seek to be a beacon to a lost and broken world. We are constantly accepting donations for Locker 505, Eagle Closet at El Dorado, Storehouse, NM Kids Matter, and so much more! If you are interested in donating time, money, or gifts to one of our local organizations or have information on a potential new outreach for our church, contact Martha Benn or click here for a list of our current organizations.

Local Outreach

  G R O U P S   +   M I S S I O N S  

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M a r t h a   B e n n

D I R E C T O R   O F   C O N N E C T I O N A L   M I N I S T R I E S

"Connectional Ministries serve to ensure that every person in the church, including members as well as visitors and regular attendees, has the opportunity to participate in opportunities of the church in addition to worship services. These include small groups, special interest groups, and fellowship events."

S T.  S T E P H E NS

U N I T E D  M E T H O D I S T  C H U R C H


4601 Juan Tabo Blvd. NE

Albuquerque, NM 87111



Church Office Hours:

Sunday Services: 8:00, 9:30, & 11:00 a.m.

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Friday: CLOSED

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©2023 by St. Stephen's United Methodist Church

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